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January 20, 2005
JANUARY 20, 2005

Attendees: Harry LaCortiglia, John Bell , Paul Nelson, Carl Shreder, Laura Repplier

·       Crescent Meadows – When replication is complete (at Cert of Compliance), he wants us to send whatever is left over to him, not the corporation (he’s developer).  We can verify if he is applicant.  

·       Final signoff for OOC on 35 Monroe - 2004-GCC -20

·       MOTION: to pay  $2,036.35 bill from Oxbow, relating to 197 Jewett   - Harry /  John / Unam

·       MOTION: to pay Classified Connection & MACC bills – Harry / Paul / Unam

·       MACC Conference – Register Paul & Laura & one unnamed participant.

·       Paul made a pass at the budget & gave it to Steve Delaney.  Last year we had bylaw fees but that fee should be going to the town so we will not have that income next year.  Salaries will come out of the town budget.

·       Jan 13 Minutes – Should also be circ to BOH, Planning, and other depts.

·       MOTION: to reappoint Harry LaCortiglia & George Comiskey to Open Space expiring 6/30/2008– John /  Paul / 3 approved & 1 abstention

·       Shopping Center Certificate of Compliance – There was a large question over whether everything had been completed on this project.  Can’t issue CoC if not yet complete.  There doesn’t appear to be a letter from a registered engineer detailing the work that has been completed & what the differences are.  In the past the engineer has been asked to detail the differences between the approved plan vs the as-built plan.  The as-built plan is very large – we can’t sign it off without knowing exactly what the differences are.  

We should examine the original OOC before we make a sign-off.  This area is technically an endangered species area with turtles.  There are still haybales frozen in place.  If we sign off now they might not take action to remove them later.  A question as to whether this might cause flooding.  

ACTION:  Obtain a list of differences from the engineer – George Zambouras, Civil Engineer.  

·       Tom Hand has been voted in & signed off.  
·       Other members also signed off – for one year?

ACTION:  LR to email HL to get documentation.


ANRAD  2005-GCC-001  

The applicant is asking us to confirm the wetland resource areas on the site.   Map 18 Lot 85

Michael Wierbonics, Wetlands Preservation.  GCC will not review until after 4/15 but introducing self & overview of project.  Abutters info given & examined. (When did this appear in the Record?)  

Existing 5.8 acre parcel w/ existing sfh, yard & shed.  Forested with BVW, Common wetland veg present.  Project is undetermined as yet – determining wetland  boundary for now.  Have delineated boundaries (inclusive boundary), want to confirm that they are correct.   Is all wet, esp farther South.

Abutter Comments:

Jim Lane, 13 Wells Ave & Rear -   Direct abutters.  Concern is that Ms Mosakowski owns a lot of land next door to this lot & it will open to development.  There is a lot of wetland – with streams & small river.  Concerned.

MOTION to continue to May 5, 2005, 8:30 pm  Harry / John / Unam

SFH & drive within buffer zone 2004-GC-45

GCC - OOC for subdiv says markers should be no more than 25’ apart.  (Important when defining a contour rather than a straight line.) This property has 35’ buffer markers.    

MOTION to approve Sept 28, 2004 / rev date Jan 14, 2005 plan Harry / John /

MOTION to approve Sept 28, 2004 / rev date Jan 14, 2005 plan contingent on receipt of revised plan prior to Jan 27, 2005 GCC meeting showing two additional markers on the Jan 14, 2005 plan on the 190 elevation and the 194 elevation closest to the C30 & C31 wetland markers.  Harry / John / Unam

MOTION to close the hearing - Harry / John / Unam

SFH, drive & septic within buffer zone   2004-GCC-033

Neither the applicant nor a representative were present at this hearing.

MOTION to continue until Feb 10, 2005 at 8:30 pm – Harry / John / Unam

Fanwort Treatment   2004-GCC-001

ACT (Aquatic Control Technology) came up with aquatic plant survey & nuisance vegetation plan – copies in file.  This is a National Heritage endangered species area – they wrote to say that their records show the presence of  Bridle Shriner (a fish) so to protect them the y asked the applicant  to collect more data.  Needed reassurance that bridle shriner would have an escape area because the treatment is being performed on the whole pond.  Until the pond was mapped & surveyed it wasn’t known if there was an escape area for them..  There is no stated retention time for the pond.  

The ACT report came to GCC & Nat Heritage.  The state biologist emailed to say he’s only starting to look at it.  

MOTION to continue to March 24, 2005 at 8:00 pm  - Harry / John / Unam

ANRAD Continuation  2004-GCC-027

GCC received a check for $1300 for a new deliniation.  

MOTION to continue ANRAD until March 24, 2005, 8:30 pm  John / Paul / 3 aye with HL recusing

MOTION to close meeting – John / Paul / Unam